
タフ外伝 OTON, タフ外伝 OTON-おとん-
A series dedicated to the father of Kiichi from the series Tough.This is a side story of the Tough series based around Miyazawa Seiko (Kiichi's father) and his brother Kiryu. Much of the same elements of tough can be found here such as mixed martial arts fighting and alot of violence.
Adult Experience Value -  オトナ経験値
Yumeji has a big problem – and no, it's not that he's gay (for now, anyway). Despite his good looks, excellent grades, and talent for sports, he's not getting any! It has everything to do with the fact that he's impotent thanks to a traumatizing event back in middle school. Nothing seems to help, and since Viagra is apparently not a viable solution in Japan, he's practically lost all hope – until he meets underclassmen Seiji, who's violent, tactless, and says whatever is on his mind. Conveniently enough, he's also in love with Yumeji.
Shinkai decided to punish Yumeji (again).*in full color!*Doujinshi #01
Becoming the Adult -  Even After Growing Up -  大人になっても
1-2. Otona ni Natte moManga editor Misono has always wondered what happened to the handsome Saikawa senpai from high school. Turns out, Saikawa is actually one of his favorite mangaka and is being edited by Misono's friend Goto.3. Kimi to Fumou na Love Story4-5. Suki tte Itte Yurusaremasu kaAtsushi's mother remarries and he suddenly gets an older brother. The boys are 6 years apart so there is not much fighting nor playing between them. Once the older brother becomes an adult, he decides to move out and Atsushi starts to feel very lonely. Their relationship gets better once Atsushi matures and starts to be very affectionate towards his brother. But why did the older brother move out so abruptly?6. Himitsu no Oniichan
Instant Teen: Just add Nuts -  Nuts Panic
From Tokyopop: Natsumi Kawashima, an energetic fifth-grader, is obsessed with her fantasy of being the ideal, sexy woman. Rejected at every advance by the cute guys that she fawns over, she finally gets a break when she picks up a package of mysterious pink nuts that are adults only. Eating these nuts causes her to morph into a voluptuous adult, and she's offered modeling opportunities and suddenly becomes noticed by guys who wouldn't have given her the time of day before. But, she's still a kid inside and is about to learn that things don't always work out exactly as you hope they will...
おとなの時間, 我的坏情人, Adult Time, Hours for Grown-ups
Alone and dumped outside of a love hotel, Mitsuka finds herself caught by the last person she wants to see--her school counselor and teacher, Kaga-sensei! Instead of turning her in, Kaga-sensei wants an interview. It turns out he's an erotic novelist, and he's looking for just the right dose of high school girl reality for his latest work. Kaga makes it clear their relationship is strictly business, but can Mitsuka keep it that way when she's falling for her teacher?
Yamamori Mari est la "Marilyn Monroe" de sa compagnie. Malgré son apparence provocante qui lui vaut la réputation d'être une croqueuse d'hommes, la jeune femme est en fait timide et éprouve un amour non partagé pour l'un de ses collègues, Hirata.Par la force du hasard, elle finit avec lui comme colocataire et...
Adult's manner -  大人のマナー
Minami traîne tous les jours devant la librairie et son air de mauvais garçon effraie les autres clients.Le gérant décide une fois pour toute de lui régler son compte, mais lui propose après coup de venir travailler à la librairie.Minami accepte et petit à petit des sentiments envers le responsable apparaissent...Mais que peut-il trouvé de si bien chez un homme aussi violent que lui ?!
大人の問題, 成人問題, Adult's Problem
Naoto is a stressed-out college student doing his best to juggle the eccentricities of his divorced parents with his own burgeoning romance. His stress deepens after his gay father proposes to the handsome and elegant male lover. This is a humourous series by Ima Ichiko about the modern, dysfunctional family.
恋爱身分证 -  Erti Kedewasaan
Un recueil de oneshot.
大人のためのピアノレッスン -  Piano Lessons for an Adult
Alors que Shiori a complètement perdu confiance dans sa façon de jouer au piano, elle rencontre un professeur de physique assez étrange. A sa surprise, il lui demande de lui apprendre à jouer. Qu'est-il censé se passer ?!
Les nocturnes histoires d'adultes ; Adult Tales of the Night ; オトナの夜のお伽話
1) Asuka rêve d'épouser un homme riche, elle est polie, et fait à la fois attention a son apparence et à de l'esprit. Maintenant, le bruit court qu'elle est la plus cool et belle de la division de secrétaire de la société. Cependant, une de ses amis a fuit avec l'élite avec lequel elle voulait se marier. 2) Elle a noyé son désespoir en buvant, et a couché avec Yuroki, le neveu du président de la compagnie. Pendant ce temps, Yuroki est affecté à la division de secrétaire, et une relation délicate entre lui et Asuka commence. Asuka qui est naïve, même si elle est une femme compétente, et Yuroki qui est compétent lui-aussi, mais un blanc-bec, développent un amour doux de façon mature.
浪漫粉紅系, otona・pink, otona♥pink
Sensei, please teach me about love.Senou Miku is a normal high school girl. On the day that she had her first boyfriend, her mother had a job transfer. And then, her guardian, who came to live with her, turned out to be her homeroom teacher, Nishizono-sensei...
From Fantasyshrine:Up and coming interior planner, Takamori Fumito, is having an affair with Eto Shunsuke, the president of the company where he is working, despite the fact that Eto is married to an owner of a famous fashion apparel. From the very beginning, they made it quite clear that their relationship is strictly physical. However, Takamori realizes his heart is now in danger— a story about adults struggling with love and sex.
Love at First Sight From the Building Next Door -  Otonarino Birunikoino Shisen -  Loving Gaze -  お隣りビルに恋の視線
Kazumi, qui dirige une entreprise de Design, est tombé amoureux d'un salary-man nommé Yajima qui travaille dans l'immeuble à côté du sien. En effet, Kazumi peut l'apercevoir de la fenêtre de son bureau. Vient le jour où ils entrent en contact et leur relation s'améliorant, ils décident de sortir ensemble. Cependant un soir Kazumi, resté seul, fait une mauvaise rencontre.
おとなりコンプレックス 伪郎隔壁是伪娘 이웃 컴플렉스 Childhood friend Complex Komşu Kompleks Kompleks sąsiada
Depuis qu'ils sont enfants, Akira Kuji et Makoto Ninomiya ont toujours été voisins et surtout d'excellents amis. Toujours fourrés ensemble, ils ont fait les quatre cent coups et ce n'est pas en vieillissant que leurs liens risquent de se briser. Lui est très séduisant et elle très jolie, toujours apprêtée dans les règles de l'art. Et si l'on pourrait penser qu'ils sortent ensemble, il n'en est rien… D'ailleurs, leur relation est un peu plus compliquée qu'il n'y paraît : en effet, Akira est une fille et Makoto est un garçon !
Akimoto Azusa admire un élève de son lycée, Ousuke Kobayashi. Un jour, elle doit distribuer des bulletins d’informations dans son quartier et tombe sur la maison des Kobayashi…
Tsuruoka Maiko and Sasano Keisuke are childhood friends and just entered high school. Their families are neighbors and have been living next to each other for well over a decade. They�ve been getting along well ever since they�ve met, but recently there seems to be a divide between them. What could be the reason?
Otonosama Gorankou -  お殿様ご乱行
This series is based around a master and his shinobi servant. The chapters are broken down into short stores or “missions” with the master and shinobi as the main characters. In all the missions the master uses his position to tease or pressure his shinobi servant into submitting to his sexual demands.
お父さんまでお世話します!イクメン保育士♂暴走中 / I'll Even Take Care of Dad! A Hot Male Nursery Teacher Goes Berserk
Le professeur d'école maternelle, Taiyou. Ne peut pas s'empêcher d'aider les autres. Un jour, il tombe sur un jeune père affamé, appelé Shiina. Après avoir découvert l'autre côté de Shiina, Taiyou ne peut pas rester sans rien faire !
おとして↓アプリガール, Download App Girl, Otoshite Application Girl, Otoshite Apuri Gaaru, Otoshite Down Application Girl
An antisocial teacher ends up on an island for her first teaching assignment. Little does she know that both her assignment and the class are… a bit out of the ordinary.
Hard to be the Younger Brother!!, 弟じゃいられない!!
Kai loves his stepbrother Riku from the bottom of his heart. However, Riku treasures “the bonds of siblinghood” more than anything, so Kai must hide his feelings and instead act as a “good brother”… but skinship no longer satisfies him anymore!
If He Loves His Brother -  弟に恋したら
From Attractive Fascinante:1, 2, 6) The stepbrothers, Yamaguchi Masato, a salary man, and Akihiro, a model and an actor, are staying together because of some reasons. Masato always dreamt about Akihiro pampering him in bed. However, Akihiro was really holding him in bed when he woke up one morning and he couldn’t remember what happened the night before. Was it a dream or reality that really happened?3) Be Conscious Even If You're AsleepIt's common for Takao, Akihiro's manager, to wake up and find a naked woman in his bed. But after a drinking party, he wakes up to find a naked man (Andou) sleeping next to him... even worse, it's someone he knows! Takao goes back to sleep and ends up brushing it off as a dream... buuut, what about Andou?4) A Cowardly ManAkiduki-san is always yelling at his kouhai Kagami, but he secretly loves him. When their manager tells Kagami to set Akiduki up on a goukon, the whole thing ends up with the two guys kissing. The next day Kagami apologizes... where does that leave Akiduki?5) BandaidsInfirmary sensei Fuwa is in love with his co-worker, Amaki. When one of the students comes crying to the infirmary because Amaki said has a girlfriend, Fuwa is dejected; but then, Amaki touches his hand...
弟の夫 -  My Brother's Husband
Otouto wa, Ookami. -  弟は、オオカミ。 -  弟弟是野狼
Beitofuku's father remarried a week ago and her step brother turns out to be the school's most popular guy, Aizawa Hiroki. Giving the appearance of a gentleman it turns out he's a huge playboy, trying to "capture" her to prove they can't be a family!?
Lying Mii-kun and Broken Maa-chan -  嘘つきみーくんと壊れたまーちゃん
Dans la ville de Nagi, dix après une affaire similaire, un cas de kidnapping et de meurtres en série s'y déroule à nouveau. Dans ce climat d'insécurité et d'incertitude, Misono Mayu ("Maa-chan") vit sa vie sans voir qui ce soit. Mais tout va bien. Même si tu n'arrives pas à comprendre ce qui se passe, moi, "Mii-kun", te reverrai à nouveau et ramènerait de la joie de vivre dans ton monde entre une fois. C'était un mensonge. Mais, "Maa-chan", ne me dis pas que c'est toi qui as kidnappé ces deux gamins...
Otter 11, Otters 11
Based on the fake manga in Bakuman