
愛想尽かし -  爱已到尽头 -  Aisotsukashi -  Aisotsukashi: Love's Patient Exhaustion -  Back to Love (French) -  Tired of Waiting for Love


L'histoire d'un père et son fils dans la Grèce Antique.
My Beloved Sadist -  愛すべきサディスト
あいすぺ@ -  ai [email protected]
From Kirei Cake: Aisupe @ is a love comedy story based on the online game "ai [email protected]" that features cosplaying using various heroines from popular games and shows such as D.C. II, CLANNAD, and SHUFFLE! as references!
愛人(あいするひと), 爱人 (吉原由起), Ai Suru Hito, Love Triangle, Loved One, Lover
The heroine is named Kinoshita Sakiko. She is 20 years old, and a college student. She is totally in love with her 28 year old university professor, Chifyu-sensei. He is tall, moody, and handsome, with short dark hair and sexy eyes. Unfortunately for Sakiko, he always refuses her very aggressive displays of affection. Yet she never gives up. Even when faced with a housing crisis, Sakiko goes to drastic lengths to earn money so she can stay in the area and continue her pursuit of her teacher. However Sakiko isn't very bright when it comes to making money. She actually tries to sell herself on a street corner!! But her price is too high, and no one is interested. Then she meets a guy on the street named Natsuo. He is also really cute, with long blond hair. He is interested in Sakiko, and after one really great kiss, he takes her to his apartment. Things are starting to get steamy when they are interrupted by the arrival of Natsuo's brother. Guess who it is?
Amai Spice -  逢いたくなった時に君はここにいない
アイツに恋した4つの理由 -  アイツに恋した4つの理由(わけ) -  Aitsu ni Koishita 4 Tsunowake -  Four Reasons I Fell in Love With Him -  Four Reasons of Falling in Love with Him -  Four Re
These stories about 4 typical high school girls' love life are Yokoyama Mayumi first work. Story 1: A Real World After 2 years Eri gets back together with her ex-boyfriend. Story 2: Lip Lock Nina made him break his "right hand" so she tries to make it up to him by being his right hand. Story 3: That Is My Weak Point Risa's ex-boyfriend stole embarrassing photos of her, and now she wants to get them back. Story 4: Hotel Red Peacock With the current course of events, Chika needs to make her bad tasting Love Hotel prosper. -- Manga Rebels
Любимчик, アイツの大本命, Aitsuno Daihonmei, Aitsuno Taihonmei, His Favorite, His Most Favorite, You're Everyone's Friend
Short with almond-shaped eyes, Yoshida doesn't have any good points appearance-wise so he's definitely not popular. On one fateful day, his school life changes completely when the most popular guy, Satou, confesses his love to him! But there are rumors aplenty that Satou already has a lover in the school, so is he just making fun of Yoshida?!
Aitsu no Heart ni Hi wo Tsukero -  アイツのハートに火を点けろ
Kaduki Haruto est l'héritier d'une famille de musiciens traditionnels. Il s'enfuit de chez lui car il souhaite se consacrer à la musique moderne plutôt qu'à la musique traditionnelle, ce que refuse sa famille. Alors qu'il chante devant un immeuble, il est repéré par Amamiya Keigo qui le recueille.
あいつと俺。 -  Shounen S [Aitsu to Ore Short Story]
Takeru’s mother is about to remarry. That is a great opportunity for Takeru to live with a real family and, most of all, to have a big brother, Shin. Things do not actually turn out the way he expected, though. One day, while waiting for his girlfriend, Takeru hears a couple of people discussing about money for sexual favours. Curious, he turns around to check out the chick, but it turns that both parties are male. However, what shocks Takeru more is when he realizes that the one prostituting himself is Shin, his new stepbrother… First volume extra : Shounen S. There's also a book of various doujinshi called Renai Junkie. The fifth story is a spinoff of Aitsu to Ore called Newly-Wed
Ai Tte Yatsu O Utattemiyōka -  Aitte Yatsu o Utatte Miyouka -  Aitteyatsu wo Utatte Miyouka -  หนุ่มเซี้ยวสาวซ่าท้าชน -  愛ってやつをうたってみようか -  愛ってやつを歌ってみようか -  為愛高歌
Ari is a brand new first-year high school student. Shortly before school starts, she sees a band holding a mini outdoor concert. She is struck by how great the music is. That band, Sunnyside, is currently the hottest indie group. AND, the really cute lead singer, Youta-kun, is a student at Ari’s new school! Even better, he is in her grade, and they will be in the same class! However, Youta-kun is really popular with the girls, and he happily lets them hang all over him, like he’s dating them all! Youta-kun becomes really interested in Ari’s piano playing and makes an instant decision – Ari must be Sunnyside’s new keyboardist!
あいうら, Ai Ura, Ai-Ura
Après que la surface de la Terre ait succombé au chaos, il y a des siècles de cela, la ville de Novus Aether est maintenue dans le ciel grâce aux prières continuelles offertes par le Saint. Il y a quelques années, lorsque la prière du Saint fut interrompue, un incident appelé "Gran Forte" eut lieu, entraînant une division de la ville basse, les deux parties maintenant séparées par une falaise. D'innombrables vies et de biens ont été perdus ou irréversiblement touchés dans ce qui serait la plus grande catastrophe que la ville ait jamais connue. Dans le temps, la couche la plus basse, connue comme la " Prison ", est devenue le foyer de personnes qui ont beaucoup perdu de leurs anciennes vies au cours du " Gran Forte ". Crimes, famines et maladies sévissent, avec les "Chaînes en or non corrosives", une organisation spécialisée dans le commerce du sexe, en gardant le peu d'ordre qui existe encore.Pendant ce temps, une maladie contagieuse qui provoque une poussée d'ailes s'est répandue dans toute la ville, et une unité connue sous le nom des "Wing Hunters" a été formée pour s'occuper de ces infectés rapidement et souvent violemment.Dans cette "prison" réside Caim Astraea, un ex-assassin indépendant qui exécute des petits boulots pour son ami, le chef des "Noncorroding Gold Chains", contre de l'argent.Lors d'une mission, Caim trouve Eustia, une jeune fille ailée qui émet une lumière violette pâle caractéristique de la maladie "Gran Forte" Sa rencontre avec Eustia l'emporte dans un voyage qui l'associe avec les organismes les plus influents de la ville, y compris l'Eglise et le gouvernement royal.Tandis qu'il recherche le sens de son existence cruelle et difficile, il va découvrir les secrets les plus profonds et les plus sombres de Novus Aether....


Les Ajin sont des êtres vivants immortels. Kei, un lycéen, se fait renversé par un camion en rentrant de l'école. Il meurt sur le coup. Mais quelque minutes plus tard il est ressuscité. Montrant a tous et aussi à lui même qu'il est en fait un Ajin. Kei commence à se faire chasser par les humains, et décide de s'enfuir. Son ami Kai décide de l'aider et ensemble ils s'enfuient dans la montagne. Que réserve le futur à Kei ?
C'est l'histoire d'Aju un homme-renard et de sa vie...
Aka Aka Toshita Chi no Monogatari -  Aka Akatoshitachi no Monogatari -  Akaaka to Shita Chi no Monogatari -  Red Blood Red Legacy -  あかあかとしたちのものがたり -  アカアカトシタチノモノガタリ -  赤赫血物語
Itsuki et Hayato, deux amis qui ont grandi dans un village niché en pleine montagne partent chasser un loup qui attaque les réserves de nourriture du village.Itsuki est sur le point de porter le coup fatal quand une bête gigantesque apparaît de nulle part, saisissant le loup entre ses mâchoires et lui suçant le sang ainsi que la vie.La bête qui posait les yeux sur Itsuki était un cerf vampire gargantuesque...Les deux amis parviendront-ils à retourner vivants au village ? !

Aka no Haikyo

熾紅廢墟 -  赫の廃墟 -  The Crimson Ruins
From Aerandria Scans: I suddenly lost my parents. Without a single relative, I must return to my father's birthplace, a village, where I can finish school. But I still cannot recover from the sadness. I am lost in doubts and insecurity. And then, on a mountain road, among the lush greenery, who do I chance to meet..?
赤の原遊戯 (ワシュピール)
NOTE : was released as a stand alone in 1993 by Biblos, and ran in BexBoy Magazine. When Suguro moved to publisher Taiyou Tosho in 1999, she continued the story in their Craft line, and closed it up as part of the second Aka no Washupiel in 2000.
赤の誘惑, 赤の誘惑~その実を、暴いて~
People call me a teacher, but I'm really just a 22-year old girl. But, I'm a teacher. And teachers can't fall in love with their students. Hitomi teaches Japanese. But from their first encounter, she hasn't been able to look Sakou-kun, her student and school prince, in the eye...
あか★ぷろ!!! ~明るい三姉妹プロジェクト~ -  明朗三姐妹计划 -  Aka Pro!! ~Akarui Sanshimai Project~ -  Aka Pro!!! -  Aka Pro!!! - Akarui Sanshimai Project -  Aka Puro!!! -  Aka*Pro!!! ~Ak
The Akei sisters are a happy go lucky sort of family and their lives are always filled with fun. The eldest, Hotaru, is a college student who is ditsy and is always in her own little world. The middle child, Hikari, is in junior high and her high energy keeps the family together. The youngest, Akari, is only in elementary school but she is the most mature one and is the voice of reason. The Akei family moves into a large condo complex where we see their simple and comedic lives.
Original Sin -  Red and Black Commandments -  赤と黒の戒律
Compilation of short stories about WWII:[*]Red and Black Commandments[*]Original SinRolf had an idealist father. He had never cared before about the Fuhrer or serving his country nor his duty. It was his father who pushed him to serve and die for Germany. Then one fleeting afternoon, he saw an SS officer, the other man called him by name, Heinz Schumann. That was the time that he realized what he was missing all along. Love.He worked hard and rose from the ranks, until he was side by side with the one person who had awakened his sleeping senses, Major Heinz Schumann now Rolf is a lieutenant and during the course of their meeting and working together, he discovered that the major is also following him with his eyes. What would happen if they both realized what these stolen glances and hidden looks mean? What will happen to them if they were discovered? Would they be willing to die together or die because of the other?
Baby and Me -  Em bé và tôi -  أنا وأخي
Shojo Beat: Young Takuya has it tough. Since his mother passed away it has been his job to take care of his baby brother, Minoru, while their father, Harumi, works the long hours of the Japanese "salaryman." Takuya must sacrifice the playtime usually associated with childhood for the responsibilities of an adult. Cooking, cleaning, sewing and scolding are all now an integral part of the young boy's life. "All work and no play" has Takuya incredibly frustrated and resentful of his little brother. Will Takuya find it in his heart to love the brother who is causing him so much grief?!
アカボシ, アカボシ·いぶん すいこでん, 赤星异闻 水浒传, 赤星異聞 水滸伝, AKABOSHI‐異聞水滸伝‐, AKABOSHI, AKABOSHI いぶん すいこでん, AKABOSHI - 异闻 水浒传, AKABOSHI - 異聞 水滸伝, Morning Star
Based on the Chinese novel Shui Hu Zhuan, this series is about the trials and tribulations of a band of outlaws during the mid Song dynasty.It is 1112, China is in turmoil with the present Song dynasty's government and its inability to control its own provincial officials from preying on their people. However, tales of a band of outlaws punishing these abusive officers called "Taiten Gyoudou" is spreading. Their deeds are giving people hope. It begins with an encounter between Suiren, a young village girl believing in the bandits, and "Falling Star" Tai Sou, a traveling swordsman whose skill precedes him.* Suikoden (水滸伝) is a Japanese translation for Shui Hu Zhuan.
Baby Dragon Sitter赤ちゃん竜のお世話係に任命されました
La dresseuse de chiens Yui a été appelée dans un autre monde en tant que " Main de guide " pour élever un bébé dragon. Le dragon est un "Saint Dragon", qui a protégé les humains des démons envahisseurs depuis des générations "
Shirayuki est une jeune fille du peuple qui est née avec une particularité ses cheveux sont rouge. Beaucoup pensent que la jeune fille porte malheur et ne veulent pas s’approcher d’elle. Elle attire ainsi l’attention du prince Raji de Tabarun, qui tombe amoureux d’elle au premier regard et qui aimerais bien l’avoir comme concubine. Ayant nulle part où aller, Shirayuki décide de se couper les cheveux et s'échappe vers un pays voisin. Tout en traversant par la forêt, elle tombe sur un groupe de 3 personnes, dont un jeune homme de son âge, Zen, qui décide de l’aider à s’enfuir et lui propose de venir avec lui. Après lui avoir courageusement guérit ses plaies, celui-ci ce fait empoisonnée par une pomme qui lui était destiné. Pendant ce temps, Prince Raji envoie ses sbires à sa recherche. Elle découvre une fois arrivée à destination que Zen est non seulement un noble mais surtout le second roi de ce royaume. C’est ainsi que Zen amène la jeune fille au château, cette situation va lui permettre de faire ces preuves entant qu’apprentie pharmacienne. Malheureusement cela va entraîner de nombreuses rumeurs et les deux jeunes vont se retrouver dans des situations délicates. Qu'adviendra-t-il de-Shirayuki? Comment va évoluer cette relation ? Une histoire rafraîchissante entre une héroïne optimiste et un prince qui reste constamment sur ses gardes.
Akagami No Shirayuki-hime Doujinshi -  ANS Doujinshi
Un doujin d'Akagami no Shirayukihime avec Shirayuki et Obi comme couple. Une photo de deux chapitres.

Akage No Anne

Pas de résumé disponible pour le moment.
Akagi Zawa Zawa Anthology
A collection of one-shot tributes to Akagi compiled for Akagi's 20th Anniversary. 36 Different Manga artists come together to pay tribute to a very long-running manga series! Contains Washizu-Sama to Yukai na Nakama-Tachi by Clamp, which is also listed separately.
Set in a town ruled by the Oscar Family mafia, a girl named Lisa arrives looking for a man named “Akagi Yuuichirou.” It turns out Akagi is a local laundryman who is horrible at his job… What could Lisa want with such a strange man?
Akagi Erika is a classical literature teacher at a high school. One day, she scolds a male student, Usami Rento, for wearing perfume to school. However, she later finds out that the sweet scent isn’t from perfume but from incense that’s soaked into the kimono he wears, for Usami Rento is actually a famous kabuki actor playing female roles. Erika watches a performance of Usami’s out of curiosity, and finds herself gradually drawn to this strange student…