
Yumemiru Vampire -  ゆめみるヴァンパイア
All pure-hearted Mamoru Hishida wants is to live as a decent human being. So he can’t figure out why his life keeps spiralling out of control. Then one night, he happens upon a beautiful vampire who immediately recognizes him for what he truly is—an incubus-human hybrid, and on the brink of sexual starvation. The vampire strikes a bargain with Mamoru to become his familiar in exchange for a supply of sexual energy...but are familiars usually charged with attending manga conventions? Thus begins a strange romance between a virgin incubus and a sensual, manga-obsessed vampire.


Kraina Snów (Polish) -  Sapnų Pasaulis (Lietuvių) -  Мир Грёз (Русский) - 
From Easy Going Scans:Dreamland est une série basée sur un double univers : d'un côté, vous avez le monde réel, et de l'autre, le monde des rêves, de l'imaginaire et de la folie.On suit la vie de Terrence et de ses amis entre ces deux mondes. C'est un lycéen timide qui aimerait bien séduire Lydia, une fille qu'il aime depuis longtemps. Mais un jour, sa vie change complètement lorsque, au cours d'un de ses cauchemars, il surmonte sa plus grande peur : le feu. C'est le début de sa double vie de lycéen normal le jour et de contrôleur de flammes la nuit à Dreamland.
ドリフターズ, 漂泊者
漂流教室 -  Hyōryū Kyōshitsu -  Hyouryuu Kyoushitsu -  The Drifting Classroom
From Viz: Out of nowhere, a Japanese elementary school is transported out of the world they know, and into a nightmarish wasteland. Have they gone to another planet, or is this toxic world actually a vision of Earth's future? Soon, the students and teachers must struggle to survive in impossible conditions, besieged by terrifying creatures and beset by madness. Part Lord of the Flies, part post-apocalyptic science fiction, The Drifting Classroom (1972-1974) is a classic can't-put-down manga series. It was adapted into a Japanese live-action movie (1987).
Senpai to Kouhai Nomi
L'histoire d'un type qui va boire avec son supérieur.Traduction française approuvée par l'auteur et la team anglaise.
Senpai to Kouhai Nomi -  先輩と後輩飲み
A story about a guy who goes drinking with his supervisor.


Hiroshi Shinanogawa est un étudiant modèle qui en a plus que marre de sa vie morne et monotone. Il change donc d'école et abandonne son collège privé pour intégrer le collège Komae, une école publique, avec une seule idée en tête : devenir un vrai délinquant, comme dans les manga. Dès le premier jour, il est appelé par IGUCHI TATSUYA et sa bande de Furyô. Pour Hiroshi commence alors son périple dans l'univers des voyous.

Drop Frame

Une vie tranquille qui tourne mystérieusement au film tragique... Junnosuke pourra-t-il en réécrire les séquences pour éviter le pire ?Au cœur du mois d’août, Junnosuke et trois de ses camarades se sont lancé un grand défi : réaliser un film destiné à être projeté lors du festival du lycée à la rentrée. Alors que le tournage démarre cahin-caha, la bande de copains croise le chemin de Lou, une ravissante métisse, qu’ils s’empressent d’enrôler dans leur équipe pour tenir le rôle féminin.Alors que des relations de plus en plus proches se tissent entre Lou et Junnosuke, ce dernier est témoin d'un terrible drame... Du moins, c'est ce qu'il croit, car le lendemain à son réveil, tout semble comme s'il ne s'était rien passé... Dans quel engrenage le pauvre Junnosuke est-il pris ?

Drop OG

ドロップOG -  ドロップOG アウト・オブ・ガンチュー -  Drop OG - Out of Ganchu
La suite du manga mythique DROP.
Drop!! - Kaori no Reijou MonogatariDrop!! Kaori no Reijou MonogatariDrop!! ~ Kaori no Reijou Monogatari ~Drop!! ~芳香的千金物语~ドロップ!! ~香りの令嬢物語~水果糖香味的千金物语
Lorsqu'elle a franchi la frontière de la vie et de la mort à l'âge de trois ans, Cordelia a réalisé qu'elle s'était réincarnée dans un jeu auquel elle avait l'habitude de jouer en tant que noble fille autoritaire. Un sombre avenir l'attendrait si elle tombait amoureuse du Prince. Par conséquent, pour le bien d'une vie normale, il n'y avait pas d'autre chemin que d'éviter le prince puissant et l'héroïne................................mais cela serait ennuyeux. Elle a finalement eu la chance d'avoir une belle apparence alors elle a décidé de se polir, d'abord en commençant à étudier l'herboristerie....... C'est ce genre d'histoire.
Life isn't all roses?! Behold the unfolding story of the unavoidable family circumstances and romantic entanglements of the five Matsuno siblings in this erotic and cute omnibus by the new star Yuiji Aniya! The honors student eldest sister is currently head over heels for "Daddy". The rock-and-roll second sister is living the life of peace and love with her new baby in tow. The twin sisters who live in their own world are puzzling over what to do now that they've fallen for the same man. And the youngest child, and only brother, after having to put up with all his sisters, is taking a trip down the rebellious path. But all of them still get along fine and are pretty happy in their own ways.[b]Links:[/b][*] [url=]Author's pixiv page[/url]
ドラッグ&ドロップ, Drug&Drop
The first Legal Drug series went on hiatus in 2003. Drug & Drop will again follow the lead characters Kazahaya Kudou and Rikuou Himura. The new manga will reveal Kazahaya and Rikuou's pasts as well as the background of Green Drug, the mysterious drugstore where they work.
After junkies start disappearing in the city, one fighter and his live-streaming friend decide to investigate.
ドラゴン, Drug-On - Dragon, Drug-On
It's said that on a prohibited island called "Dragon's Beak" the "power of the gods" resides. Anyone who obtains the power will have all their wishes fulfilled. 
약먹는 천재마법사
A brand new card-game one-shot, written by Kazuki Takahashi - Yugi!Oh's author
Dead by Daylight dj - JoFra Mu Haihon -  Dead by Daylight dj - ジョフラ無配本 - 
Appariement : Joey x Frank
----- sortie 1 fois par semaine (si possible) -----
The Dryad's Brides -  Les épouses de la dryade
Shiawase wo Anata ni
L'histoire d'une petite fille et d'un petit garçon, de leur rencontre et de leur passage vers leurs nouvelles vies.
デュアルジャスティス -  Dual x Justice
In a world that has forgotten God, demons have begun to appear. Two "angels", in the form of two powerful transforming heroes, have emerged: but they can't cooperate to save their lives, in both ordinary life and when they're fighting evil! "Mad Dog" Segawa, a.k.a the superhero Avalon, is a thug who wants to become a fine and upstanding person in his everyday life. Meanwhile Mitsuki, the hardworking and uptight student council president and daughter of a prestigious family, just wants to shrug off her restrictions and live freely. Neither of them knows that the other is the opposite hero... how will this strange situation play out!
In terms of genre, Duality is an adventure-fantasy story. But if you are looking for lovingly detailed drawings and fantastic panoramas, you will probably not (yet) be happy here.Because it is one thing above all else: An introspection; a discussion of yours truly - with me. I love to argue with myself - because I can only win. What does that mean in plain language for the story ?Very long and many dialogues. Less action-packed fights, but more action-packed discussions!Why am I doing this? On the one hand, to find answers; to questions that I don't even know how I would ask, and on the other - and that is much more important - to have fun. For me, telling and reading the comic is like a drug that I don't feel guilty for being addicted to.I hope to be able to conjure this effect within others through the publication.The german version is the original work and I highly recommend reading it first if you can. Because some things are bound to get „lost in translation“.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Genretechnisch ist Duality eine Abenteuer-Fantasy Geschichte. Wer jetzt aber auf liebevoll ausdetaillierte Zeichnungen und fantastische Panoramen aus ist, der wird hier vermutlich (noch) nicht glücklich.Denn Duality ist vor allen Dingen eins: Eine Introspektion - Eine Auseinandersetzung von meiner Wenigkeit mit mir. Ich liebe es, gegen mich selbst Wortgefechte zu führen - denn da kann ich nur gewinnen. Was heißt das im Klartext für die Geschichte?Sehr lange und viele Dialoge. Weniger actiongeladene Fights, dafür mehr actiongeladene Diskussionen!Warum mache ich das so? Zum einen, um Antworten zu finden auf Fragen, die ich gar nicht weiß, wie ich sie stellen würde, zum Anderen - und das ist viel wichtiger - um Spaß zu haben. Den Comic zu erzählen und zu lesen ist für mich wie eine Droge, bei deren Einnahme ich kein schlechtes Gewissen habe.Ich hoffe durch die Veröffentlichung, diesen Effekt auch bei Anderen erzeugen zu können.
Duchess of the Glass Greenhouse, The Duchess of the Glass Greenhouse, The Duchess of the Glass House, 유리온실의 공작 부인
⬪ Réservé par la MikazukiTeam ⬪
ダクションマン, 超偶经纪人, Dakushonman, Dulion Man, In the World of Entertainment Duction Man
"Ogi Juugo has forsaken the entertainment industry ever since it caused the death of his family. However, fate had different plans. After proposing to his girlfriend and being shot down, he realizes that his girlfriend is actually a model. Acting on his love for her he decides that it is time to return to the industry."
Nakanishi, delinquent just out of reform school, tries in vain to get free of his past. His new job does not satisfy him and he has to suffer the provocations of his boss. One day, an acquaintance from the net introduces him to a game to help him relieve him of his stress: Duds Hunt. One rule: no holds barred... Also contains Awakened Dreams, a colored short story.
Dyueru Masutāzu -  デュエル・マスターズ
The story centers around the card game Duel Masters, which revolves around five civilizations consisting of Fire, Water, Light, Darkness and Nature. The original storyline follows Shobu Kirifuda, a young boy who likes to play Duel Masters. He and a few duelists are known to bring the monsters on the cards to life in their duels. Shobu engages in this card game so that he can be the best duelist like his father was.
Minori's motto in life has always been to smile, no matter the hardship. However her sweet personality, in attempt to make friends, has led to constant bullying and being taken advantage of. Pushed to her breaking point, Minori begins to give in to peer pressure until she is saved by a beautiful girl named Alice.

