
ドラゴンドライブ, 드래곤 드라이브, Doragon Doraibu, Rồng ma trận
Reiji Ozora thinks he's no good at anything--especially schoolwork! Then one day he's introducted to a game called Dragon Drive and gets his very own virtual dragon named Chibi. Small and weak, Chibi appears to be as big a loser as Reiji! But after their first battle, Reiji realizes there may be more to his tiny friend than meets the eyes.

Dragon Ego

MMORPG le plus populaire au monde, " Hidden Ego "... Un jour, le dragon nommé " Ignis ", qui n'était rien de plus qu'un monstre, prend conscience de lui-même. Et son frère " Tafras " est attaqué par la guilde la plus forte, composée de 6 personnes de haut rang. Après la défaite de Tafras, il est divisé en 6 éléments, qui sont pris par chacun des 6 membres de la guilde. Et Ignis doit tous les vaincre et unir ces objets pour ressusciter son frère ! C'est l'histoire de la vengeance d'un monstre de jeu - Dragon Ego ! genre : webtoon ; éditeur shounen : Groupe d'âge des lecteurs de FANSIA : All story & ; art par Takoongi
Dragon Fist follows the exploits of a young dragon that is exiled from his clan after committing a terrible crime. This particular manga has been published one volume per year for the past 12 years, so the artistic style changes rather drastically as you read further on. It's a kind of chronicle of Katayama Shuu's growth as an artist.
Summary by SnoopyCool: Dragon Fist follows the exploits of a young dragon that is exiled from his clan after committing a terrible crime. This particular manga has been published one volume per year for the past 12 years, so the artistic style changes rather drastically as you read further on. It's a kind of chronicle of Katayama Shuu's growth as an artist (sorry, but I think mangas like that are pretty cool... you know, no need to read a new manga to see the new style, just keep reading the old one).
In an future apocalyptic world the church once again has regained power, but not to do good, but to serve evil. Cloned priests, called "dragon fly" of the kirihito church use their power, however a shinigami has appeared to stop them and reclaim her past...
ドラゴンガール, ドラゴン★ガール, 高校龍女, 高校龙女, DRAGON GIRL สาวซ่านัดท้าเชียร์
Fiesty, fierce Rinna Aizen is a girl with a dream — to follow in her father’s footsteps as the legendary captain of Shoryu Senior High’s cheering squad. Only problem? Shoryu High is an elite all-boys’ school! Or it was…until now! With the school going co-ed, Rinna might be one step closer to achieving her dream, but the road to a successful cheering squad is still full of hurdles…can Rinna clear them all?!
An RPG-ish gag manga about a half-dragon-half-human girl whose love for a popular idol/dragon-slayer leads her on a quest to find a potion that will make her fully human. Which of course leads her and her friends in a quest to defeat the terrible Demon Lord Azatodeth. 
In the horror of witnessing so many classmates perish before his eyes in a violent train wreck, Teru discovers two survivors in the tunnel: Ako and Nobuo. But salvation from this bloody carnage is far from their grasp. As they try to dig out from the wreck in order to come up with a plan to stay alive, the lack of light and food, combined with the stench of death and decay, will lead one member of the group down a dark and demented path. And with sudden, violent earthquakes shaking the tunnel, escaping to the outside world may lead them to an even greater danger... 
Daidokoro no Dragon -  台所のドラゴン
Eastern Europe, 1980s. A Japanese Art student finds a mysterious egg in her new house. Born from it is a small lizard-like creature that shrieks in a strange voice. A new life begins together.
ドラゴン騎士団外伝ワンデイ・アナザーデイ Dragon Kishidan Gaiden: One Day, Another Day Dragon Knights Gaiden
If you think facing a man-eating witch is dangerous, imagine having to face the one-eyed monster that ate it. In a farcical tale of hijinks and swashbuckling adventures, Rath, Rune ,and Thatz become the Dragon Knights of Fire, Water, and Earth and scour a mystic landscape. Their quests? Fortune, love, and honor. And though they may have to work together, no one says they have to like it. The Dragon Knights are put to the ultimate test when their fighting involves more than just their enemies.
ドラゴン騎士団外伝ワンデイ・アナザーデイ -  Dragon Kishidan Gaiden -  Dragon Knights Gaiden -  Dragon Knights Gaiden: One Day, Another Day
A collection of Dragon Kishidan oneshots and side stories: One Day, Another Day Set before the end of the series, it's basically a side story of a day in the Dragon Castle, kind of in Zoma's perspective. Juuji ni Hikaru Hoshi Takes place before the events of the actual series. This is a back story that shows how Lykouleon and Raselane met, introducing Lykouleon's uncle, Fieruto. Mamono no Mori no Kioku Another backstory that delves a little bit more into the relationship between Bierrez and Cesia before the series started. It also shows how Nadil became the demon lord. Happiest Children This actually has three little side stories in it. The first one is about Rune's dream about everyone dressed in drag, the second is about a little adventure that the three dragons go on, and then the third is like a day in the life of Alfeegi, Ri-ma, and Duma. Crescendo Backstory about how Lykouleon and Kaistern met and how Kaistern then became the Blue Dragon Officer. CONFESSION - Thats This is basically the backstory of Thatz and how he knew about Rath's little secret. CONFESSION - Rath Basically telling a lot about Rath, particularly his relationship with Kaister.
Rin, a girl fresh from the country, is discovered by Dragon Knight Grian to be the new Star Princess, whose job it is to bring good harvests to the kingdom through her prayers. Rin's powers awaken as she tries to bring the barren lands back to life in order to cure the curse that eats away at the Dragon Knights. However, more and more questions turn up!! Rin finds herself caught up in the mysterious murder case of the previous Star Princess Fionnuala! What does the future hold for this country girl? 
ドラゴン騎士団 -  Doragon Kishidan -  Dragon Kishidan -  Kỵ Sĩ Rồng Thiên
Three Dragon Knights go on a quest to retreive Demon lord Nadil's head and return it back to their kingdom in Dragoon where the Dragon lord awaits their return. Each dragon knight has their own battle dragon in which they fight demons with. The dragon knight of fire: Rath, a boy with an obsession with killing demons and a mysterious past which has yet to be revealed; the dragon knight of earth: Thatz, a carefree fellow who hungers for food and treasure; the water dragon knight: Rune, a sensitive person to be around and never hesitates to put his fellow knights in their place. These three very different individuals have to work together as "dragon knights". As the story progresses the knights face various challenges that they've never even dreamed of! Preventing the demon lord's revival, saving their kingdom from hordes of demons, saving the faerie race from extinction, collecting three sacred treasures (as well as love) are just some of those making up their list! An awesome must-read series that will keep you entertained all the way!
伝説の国王を探せ -  伝説の国王を探せ&ドラゴン騎士団外伝
Dragon Kishidan Side StoriesEscape the Legendary Labyrinth Senri and company venture into the labyrinth of the lost capital; Hijinks ensue.

Dragon Master

Sur ce continent, toutes les créatures avaient une chance de se transformer en dragons. On disait que chaque vie avait sa propre Porte du Dragon. Après l'avoir franchie, ils devenaient comme le soleil et la lune dans le ciel, éblouissants de gloire. Cela s'applique également aux humains. Les Portes du Dragon des humains devenaient des Maîtres des Dragons.
Dragaon に恋
From Cosmique Scans: Sugida Ippei is someone always surrounded by friends. Unlike his classmate, Tokimachi Ryoutarou, who's always reading in the back. After an awkward first & last meeting during class, they reunite years later and unresolved feelings are reignited. A oneshot about the start of an unlikely relationship.
龍珠BOY, 龙珠BOY
The crown prince of dragon clan from the deep blue sea comes to the human world to look for his bride. But he doesn't know that his bride is a twin...

Dragon Piece

Crossover improbable
Dragon Quest : La Quête de Daï (French) -  Dragon Quest: Dai no Daiboken -  Dragon Quest: Dai's Adventure -  Dragon Quest: Dai's Great Adventure -  Dragon Quest: Great Adventure of Dai -  Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai -  Dấu ấn Rồng Thiêng -  FLY (French) -  ド
Il y a longtemps, il y avait un valeureux épéiste qui a été surnommé "le héros". Le peuple avait souffert des mains d'un démon maléfique. À son arrivée, le héros a défié le démon dans une bataille... le héros et ses compagnons ont combiné leurs pouvoirs et ont mené la bataille à une conclusion rapide. Le démon avait été vaincu ! Grâce à eux, les monstres méprisables qui étaient autrefois contrôlés par le démon ont été libérés des volitions maléfiques du démon. Sur une île isolée des mers du Sud, vit Dai, un garçon naufragé qui rêve de devenir un grand héros. Un jour, le roi démoniaque est ressuscité. C'est donc à Dai et à ses amis de l'arrêter, lui et la force maléfique qui l'a ranimé. En cours de route, Dai découvre l'identité du "héros", la vérité sur la force maléfique qui a ranimé le roi démon, et les pouvoirs cachés de Dai qui font surface en temps de danger.
Dragon Quest VII - Warriors of Eden
Warriors of Eden suit l'histoire de Dragon Quest VII avec quelques nouvelles touches. Arus ainsi que Keifer et Maribell découvrent un temple antique sur l'île d'Estard. Dans le temple, ils découvrent des tablettes qui leur permettent de voyager vers des continents qui ont été scellés dans le passé et qui sont revivifiés dans le futur. Warriors of Eden ajoute maintenant un guerrier élémentaire à chaque esprit élémentaire, en commençant par Arus comme le guerrier de l'eau. Fujiwara lie également Warriors of Eden à la série Roto avec un personnage nommé Bezul. Il est la réincarnation de l'emblème du Quadal de Roto, un sage qui s'est battu avec Roto pendant la bataille finale avec Zoma. Son apprenti, Guren, est le guerrier du feu. Et, en plus de tout cela, le lézard d'Arus s'appelle Gregory et parle maintenant.
ドラゴンクエストエデンの戦士たち, Dragon Quest VII - Warriors of Eden, Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden
Warriors of Eden follows the story of Dragon Quest VII with a few new touches. Arus along with Keifer and Maribell discover an ancient temple on Estard Island. In the temple they discover tablets that allows them to travel to continents that were sealed away in the past and are revived in the future. Warriors of Eden now adds an elemental warrior with each elemental spirit, starting off with Arus as the Warrior of Water. Fujiwara also ties Warriors of Eden with the Roto series with a character named Bezul. He's the reincarnation of Emblem of Roto's Quadal, a sage who fought with Roto during the final battle with Zoma. His apprentice, Guren, is the Warrior of Fire. And, on top of all that, Arus' lizard is named Gregory and now speaks.
ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険 勇者アバンと獄炎の魔王
Story about young Avan, set 15 years before the main story.
Roto No Monshou -  DQ-EoR
Le monde est en péril. Evil vient de réapparaitre et part conquérir les différents territoires. Un par un, les royaumes tombent… Mais tout espoir n’a pas encore disparu. Un groupe de héros se constitue pour sauver le monde….Arus, descendant du héros Roto, Kira, Yao, Poron, accompagnés d’autres amis, vont se battre contre les forces du mal pour l’avenir du monde et ainsi le sauver…
Dragon Quest Monsters+
Kurio est un jeune garçon qui passe ses journées à essayer de capturer des slimes tachetés mais n'attrape que des slimes de base.Son rêve est de devenir un héros. Kurio allongé sur son lit, entend une voix et aperçoit un monstre se nommant Watabu qui lui propose de venir dans son monde (Taiju) qui est en grand danger. Sans hésiter, Kurio accepte l'invitation et se retrouve à Taiju.C'est ici qu'il apprendra comment devenir MM (Monster Master = éleveur de monstres) et comment sauver Taiju.

Dragon Sitter

드래곤 시터
This is a story about a girl who was dispatched as a sitter to take care of the last remaining dragon in the human world, an alcoholic, hikikomori, tsundere dragon.

Dragon Throne

Трон святого дракона -  神龙王座
Après être passé au travers, il devint Ao Fan, le prince aîné du Palais du Dragon de la Mer de Chine Orientale, hérita du Palais du Dragon de la Mer de Chine Orientale et devint la nouvelle génération de Roi du Dragon de la Mer de Chine Orientale. Au moment de la crise, Zhuo Fan a découvert qu'il avait activé le système et pouvait ajouter quelque chose à tout ! "Les dieux bloquent et tuent les dieux, rencontrent les fantômes et battent les fantômes. Ceux qui refusent d'accepter, tuez-les !" Menez le clan du dragon en déclin à se relever, luttez pour l'hégémonie et confiner les dieux ![hr]
Dragon Pulse
Selon le livre original du même nom de Zen Sword, sur le continent de Kowloon, le guerrier est respecté, et le "sang" détermine l'accomplissement de la vie, et le plus fort est le sang du dragon ! Jiang Ting a été malmené par sa famille en raison de son faible niveau de sang. L'aide qu'il a reçue de ses ancêtres, avec cette opportunité, a travaillé dur pour entraîner le sang, promouvoir les arts martiaux, et a juré de donner une raclée à tous ceux qui le regardent de haut !
ドラゴンボイス, Dragon Voice - Ước Mơ Vươn Tới Một Ngôi Sao, F5偶像傳說
14-year-old Rin Amami is a gifted dancer who has been forced to give up his dream of becoming a singer like his mom because of his deep, frog-like voice. A chance encounter with the idol singing group Beatmen, however, gives him the opportunity to bring his old dream to life. Despite its oddness, his voice possesses a certain charisma: a captivating power, recognized by some as the legendary 'Dragon Voice.' Rin's destiny becomes intertwined with the Beatmen, Shino, Goh, Toshi, and Yuhgo, as the smalltime idol agency RedShoes attempts to take them to the top!