
离婚申请, Continued love, Demande de divorce
Planète Hera, 4443 après JC. Après une longue période de ressentiment et d'attitude froide de la part de son partenaire, Cheng Jin décide finalement de divorcer. Cependant, comme si c'était le destin, son amant a soudainement perdu ses souvenirs et est tombé amoureux de Cheng Jin. Cheng Jin était fou de joie, mais en même temps angoissé car il savait que cet amour serait 'limité'.
"I will stay by your side until you grow old." He kept his word. For 50 years, he held his hand with a smile by dawn, and embraced him by dusk. Over the valleys and hills, across the river of time, walking side by side to the ends of earth. ---------By the grace of this miracle, I will dedicate every moment to you.
To the people who know Sheng Yu, he is very lazy and unpassionate. There’s not a time when he's serious about anything he does. He slacks off during his photoshoot, gets bored during his interview, and is even more indifferent when it comes to filming his movie. Everyone thought that he was probably out of his mind. But then, everyone noticed he wasn’t half-assed and was actually serious for once. It was when he was kissing Ji Qing Wan that night.